A-Bee Honey and Apple Farms

 Updated August 17, 2007






More About A-Bee

 Honey & Apple Farms


Apple Recipes


How to Grow







Controlling Pests

in Apples


Controlling Pests

in your home


NM Apple Council






NM Apple Growers   

NM Honey




NM Farmer 





Pollination for Commercial Growers


 Pollination for Small Growers


Apple News






Meetings & Events

NM Growers



Fruit Notes









Northern New Mexico Growers Conference


By-Laws of the

New Mexico Apple Council 








2006 Crop Protection Guide for Tree Fruits in Washington


Visit e-Plaza

Farm Aid




Welcome to A-Bee Honey and Apple Farms.  The purpose of this site is to promote New Mexico apples, honey and bee products .  This site will direct you to all the sites that has anything to do with apples or the fruit industry. 


We are dedicated to growing apples and producing honey and bee products.  We sell the following produce, products and services:



Apple Trees (all varieties)

Pollination Services

Orchard Management Services

Chemicals (We are a licensed Dealer)




Bee Hives and Bee Equipment


Honey Candy


We are actively involved in the New Mexico Apple Council (Ed is currently the President) and the New Mexico Beekeepers Association (A web site is coming soon).  We actively teach techniques for growing good quality apples for both the commercial apple grower and the hobbyist.  Whether you have 1 tree or thousands of trees we know our web site will be a valuable resource for you.


If you would like to be notified about changes to this site please click here and you will go to an email page.  When you click send, your email will automatically be added to our address book for future updates.


If you have any suggestions or comments you may direct them to: 




Thank you for your interest in A-Bee Honey and Apple Farms.






Apple News

Meetings & Events

NM Growers



Fruit Notes









Northern New Mexico Growers Conference


By-Laws of the

New Mexico Apple Council 





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    Mailing Address   
P.O. Box 903
Edgewood, New Mexico 87015


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